2 min read

Back in Action: My Revitalised Return

Article #103 of Mindful Progress

Dear friends,

It’s safe to say I’ve fallen out of the habit of creating regular content online. For me, inconsistencies in one area bled into others, illuminating the unforeseen cascade that occurred from stepping off the content creation treadmill. But, I’ve also gone through two incredible milestones in this time away as I got married in the most beautiful way imaginable and have since August stepped away from clinical practice (sort of a sabbatical) to work at a digital health startup.

Firstly, coming off the content creation conveyor belt has made re-starting incredibly tough. I’ve had to overcome a lot of inertia to even get this post out this week. But, I’m feeling good - back on track and motivated to share my lessons, reflections, and thoughts again online. Ok, now to the lessons:

  1. The Double-Edged Sword of Freedom. Having the freedom of not being bound by self-imposed deadlines and the eyes of an expectant audience was liberating yet insidiously detrimental. The initial joy of unrestricted time soon morphed into a vortex of procrastination and inefficiency. I learned that freedom without direction can ironically become a cage that’s hard to escape from. The structure, albeit sometimes felt restrictive, provided a framework within which creativity and productivity could flourish.
  2. Exploring New Horizons and Embracing Change. Diving into the world of a digital health startup not only reshaped my professional perspective but also allowed me to embrace change in a very wild way. I wasn’t just changing specialities this time. I’ve had to adapt to new ways of working, coorperate-speak, and funnily enough working from home has its own challenges. I am thrilled to share with you in upcoming posts and videos some realisations I’ve made and a new vision I have for my medical career.
  3. The Constant Battle with Perfectionism. The struggle to produce "perfect" content was, and remains, an ongoing battle. While away, I realised that the pursuit of perfection often hinders progress and that imperfection doesn’t dilute the message or the value provided. There’s beauty in authenticity and a genuine connection that arises from sharing the unpolished, real journey. So, going forwards I’ll always aim for 80% perfect.
  4. Navigating the Nuances of Work-Life Balance. Joining the world of a startup, with its thrilling chaos and boundless energy, has taught me the critical importance of carving out time for personal life, relationships, and self-care. Working from home, the lines can easily become blurred. I’ve always got something I could do for work before the day ends. Moving forward, finding and maintaining a harmonious balance between work, content creation, and personal life will be the guiding principle for me.
  5. Your Role in My Journey. You have been a silent pillar throughout this rollercoaster. The occasional messages of check-ins and flashes of encouragement from readers/viewers were flickers of light in moments of self-doubt and inertia. And so, as we rekindle this online journey together, I encourage an environment of reciprocal learning and shared stories. Let’s embrace the messy, the imperfect, and the real, sharing not just successes but struggles too.

As we set sail into this renewed journey together, anticipate content that’s raw, real, and pulsating with lessons from various realms of life and professional ventures. Buckle up, because this ride promises to be unfiltered, unabashedly honest, and a genuine reflection of this new chapter in my life.

To robustly echo our shared sentiment: Let’s fucking go.

Quote 🧠

Every action you take is a vote for the type of person you wish to become.

— Atomic Habits, James Clear

As always be safe, and be happy.

Warm regards - Yath 🤟🏾

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