2 min read

Effortless is effortful.

Hey friends,

I hope you are doing well, today’s newsletter is more of a reality check and a public safety announcement about some of the things we see and therefore assume. I’m sending today’s newsletter to 924 super subscribers. I hope you find some value in what I have to say this week.

One Thought ⚡️

What looks effortless is often the outcome of the exact opposite — a lot of effort.

It’s easy to be misled and feel as though certain things are effortless or should feel effortless. This is a feeling more easily felt as more time is spent online on social media timelines filled with end-points. These end-points being people’s success stories and achievements displayed in all their glory with little to show for the behind the scenes and hard work leading up to that achievement. It almost always looks effortless.

At the moment, I’m spending time on my self-elected surgical rotation post-finals and I’m at a point where I’m really thinking hard about specialities and my career. Being at a big teaching hospital in Central London, I observe and chat to world-class surgeons almost every day. They always appear effortless in their ability. But, having recently passed my finals and therefore having overcome a fraction of the hard work these surgeons would also have had to overcome, I now thoroughly appreciate the amount of effort and hours of hard work that goes into becoming a world-class surgeon who appears to be effortless.

A lot happens behind the scenes, appreciate this and realise there are no shortcuts in life. I think this is the point easily missed, particularly online.

One Quote 🧠

Build a good name. Keep your name clean. Don’t make compromises. Don’t worry about making a bunch of money or being successful. Be concerned with doing good work and if you can build a good name, eventually that name will be its own currency.Show Your Work! (Austin Kleon)

One Recommendation 🚀

App 📱 — Readwise

I often get asked how I make my quote graphics (like this one) and Readwise is my answer. It’s a fantastic solution to close the loop when it comes to reading books, storing highlights, and then being able to effectively review those highlights from time to time or daily (you choose your preferences). Use my link and we’ll both get a free month!

This Week on YouTube 🎥

The Moment I Became A Doctor - My live reaction, thoughts, and the future.


Let’s keep growing! 🚀

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That’s all for this week — be safe, be happy!

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