2 min read

The 2-Minute Rule

Welcome to #65 of Mindfully, a newsletter where we explore self-growth mindfully. I hope you’re having an awesome day!

Hey friends,

A super quick one this week (just like the rule I’m about to share). Earlier this week, I forgot to pull the trigger on an Amazon purchase I had already decided on for a friend’s upcoming birthday present. By the time I realised, it was too late and the delivery is now arriving a day after the birthday (awkward). But, when I shared this story with my girlfriend, she reminded me, “Isn’t this the 2-minute rule you used to tell everyone about?”

So, as a general reminder here’s a quick recap of the 2-minute rule that I first read about in the ultimate productivity book Getting Things Done by David Allen.

Essentially the rule is as follows:

If something takes less than 2-minutes, do it there and then.

This can be helpful in so many situations. Whether you have a desk yet to be tidied, some laundry yet to be started, or even a quick email response yet to be sent, these can all probably be done in 2-minutes.

Since I was reminded by my girlfriend of the rule, I’ve been applying it to my life to quickly do things such as sending off a change of address form or sorting out some admin tasks at work, and I’ve noticed how relieved I’ve felt towards the end of the day knowing I’ve now let small tiny tasks accumulate over the day.

One Quote 🧠

Why waste time proving over and over how great you are, when you could be getting better?Mindset by Carol Dweck

One Recommendation 🚀

App 📱 — Headspace

I initially got access to this mindfulness app for free through the NHS amid the pandemic but I’ve kept onto my subscription and find it an excellent way to practice mindfulness, meditate, and de-stress. Especially now that I’m working, I find myself often needing a moment to myself just to reset. I use it daily for around 10-minutes before bed and would thoroughly recommend it to all.

This Week on YouTube 🎥

How I Stopped Giving A F*CK - Overcoming Judgement:


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That’s all for this week — be safe, be happy!

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