3 min read

The Power Of Multiple Minds

Hey team,

Something incredible happened late last year that changed the game for me. Here’s why I think you should (a) join a community and (b) start reaping the endless benefits of being a part of one.

To cut the story short and jump straight into the value, in November of 2020, I joined a community of YouTube creators. We were all working towards the same goal of growing on the platform to hopefully share better quality content. At first, I had absolutely no idea that the community would help me learn directly from multiple experts at the same time or push me to new levels. Then it did. It entirely changed the way I now think about developing a new skill or habit — here’s why.

No one Is almighty.

No single person is an expert at everything. Our unique perspectives are what makes our skills and abilities strong, but it is also what makes us weak in other areas. When I was surrounded by a community of creators I quickly identified that whilst I may be strong at editing and production quality, I was ample weak at storytelling and camera confidence. I was able to work in collaboration with others who were stronger in these areas to learn from experts.

To add to this, this reminds me of a good parable — Blind Men And An Elephant.

Being blind and coming across an elephant for the first time, it would be difficult to determine what is in front of us. If you consider developing a new skill in a similar fashion, we’re all initially blind. Trying to learn something entirely alone would take us plenty of time but when we work together and combine our individual learnings and experiences, we’re much more likely to progress faster.

Image source: Six Blind Men and the Elephant

Push limits to the moon!

It's easy for us to give up when things get tough. I almost gave up writing this newsletter a few weeks into the process. I questioned whether YouTube was worth it many times in my earlier days.

This is where a community is again extremely useful. Whilst I have incredible friends and a supportive network around me, it takes a writer to understand the struggles of another writer. The same goes for any other skill. In the context of a community, we all help each other fight away struggles. We motivate each other to do our best and support each other. This happens in many ways — accountability groups, co-working Zoom sessions, video audits, specific knowledge sharing sessions, etc.

Without a community, I probably would not have remained as consistent with my creative work and I certainly would not be improving my work at my current pace. I’m fairly certain, that like my YouTube content, my writing and this newsletter would benefit from a community — that’s why I’m currently looking for a community of writers so that I can be more effective at sharing my insights with you.

My challenge for you:

In amazing communities, you learn and grow at paces unimaginable.

If you’re currently developing a new skill, habit or working towards what you think might be a shared goal amongst many — you may benefit from finding a community or networking with others in your space to form a community.

Let’s keep growing! 🚀

Today, I’m sending this email to 853 super subscribers. 😎

If you’re new to the family, welcome aboard! 👋🏾

Gained value? Share it with one other friend who might like it. 💌

This Week’s Quote 🎯

“Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success.”Henry Ford

This Week’s Recommendation 🚀

Podcast Episode 🎙 — Becoming a YouTuber + Dealing With Judgement

My good friend Arun started a podcast (you should defo check it out — no bias) and I had the privilege of being guest number one — I spoke about balancing creative work with medical school, self-doubt, fear of judgement, and dealing with negative comments. Arun is a medical student and fitness photographer. He also writes an incredible newsletter about optimal health and purposeful living.

This Week on YouTube 🎥

How to stop procrastinating (evidence-based method):


That’s all for this week — be safe, be happy!

Find me on YouTube, Twitter, Instagram& Goodreads.

Want to say thanks? Drop me an email or a cheeky coffee!