3 min read

The Small Things In Life

Dear friends,

I hope this newsletter finds you well. Having just witnessed Lionel Messi complete Football in one of the greatest football matches I’ve ever seen, I’m feeling particularly inspired to write today and improve my craft.

As we approach the end of the year, the topic of gratitude and expressing thanks is at the forefront of my thoughts. Particularly, as it’s easy to get caught up in the daily grind of life and forget to appreciate the little blessings of life. It's important to remember that life is a precious and fragile thing, and it's worth taking a moment to appreciate the beauty and joy that surrounds us. Even studies have shown that regularly expressing gratitude can lead to increased feelings of happiness, improved physical health, and stronger relationships with others.

Whilst I think gratitude should be expressed frequently and throughout the year, if it’s something new to you then the end of the year is a particularly great time to think about the things we should be grateful for and all the things that have made our years better.

For definition’s sake, gratitude is the practice of acknowledging and appreciating the good things in our lives. It's a simple concept, but it can have a profound impact on our overall well-being and here are a few ways to express thanks:

  • Write a gratitude journal entry. Write down things you are grateful for this year. They can be big or small - it doesn't matter. For example, this year I am grateful for having an incredible support bubble. The act of writing it down helps to solidify the positive feelings and can be a helpful reminder when we're feeling down, envious, or disappointed with our lives.
  • Share your gratitude with others. Saying "thank you" to someone who has helped us or done something kind for us can go a long way in building stronger relationships. Sharing our gratitude with others can also help us to feel more connected and supported. For example, this year I’m thankful for encouragement and support from my fiancée during busy periods at work.
  • Do something nice for others. Be selfless and do something nice for others. Many times in our lives, others will do something for us that helps us a lot and appears to make no difference to their lives. Why? It’s because doing things for others makes us appreciate life more and makes us even more grateful in the future when others do something for us. For example, I always try to help out an overwhelmed colleague or do a few extra chores around the house.
  • Practice mindfulness. Paying attention to the present moment and all the good things it brings can help us to feel more grateful. This can be taking a few deep breaths, noticing the beauty of nature, or savouring a delicious meal. For example, I love taking music-free, device-free walks in nature at least once a week. These walks help me feel grateful for the time and freedom that I have in my life to even have the opportunity to walk carefree.

Gratitude is a simple but powerful tool that we can use to improve our well-being and happiness. By making it a part of our lives, we can cultivate a more positive outlook and deepen our connections with others. Why not make a start this Christmas?


Looking back at the year, I’m grateful for so many things - family, friends, getting engaged, completing year one as a doctor, growing my savings, trips abroad, and so on. But mostly, I’m grateful for the simple fact I’ve had a roof over my head and no trouble eating and drinking nutriously. Many around the globe struggle with this basic human need. If you’re able to, donate to a charity that helps others.


This egg-pan is sick. Sorry if you don’t eat eggs. But if you do, this comical looking mini pan is the best way to make perfect (every-single-time) circular fried eggs. I’m hitting the part of my life where household things make me happy and here is one of my favourite little finds. Why not gift an egg-lover one this Christmas or grab this beauty for yourself? Check out the: Tefal Egg Pan.


People don’t want to do small shit. You need to think bigger and think differently. Don’t ‘I wonder’ through life. Just make it happen.

[From My Readwise, Book: The Third Door]

As always be safe, and be happy.

Warm regards - Yath 🤟🏾

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